Filly is a 12 month old Comfort Retriever, in training as a Diabetic Alert Dog. Below are the commands that she knows at this point in time.
- Sit (visual signal - j motion with hand)
- Down (visual signal - flat hand lowering)
- Stand (visual signal - two fingers pointing in front of dog)
- Sit Stay (visual signal - palm moves towards dog's face)
- Down Stay (visual signal - palm moves towards dog's face)
- Stand Stay (visual signal - palm moves towards dog's face)
- Come - come to front and sit
- Heel - walk at left side
- Here - come towards me
- Let's go - walk with me (on right side or between legs, depending on previous command)
- Watch Me - give eye contact
- Touch - touch my hand with nose (visual signal - palm presented in front of dog, verbal required)
- Leave It - do not touch or eat item
- Under - lay under table, chair, or object (visual signal - pointing where dog should lie)
- Close - sit at my left side, facing forward (visual signal - pointer finger drawing a 'U' demonstrating the dog's path)
- Side - sit at my right side, facing forward (visual signal - pointer finger drawing a 'U' demonstrating the dog's path)
- Between - sit between my legs facing forward (visual signal - point between legs)
- Behind - lay between the back of my heels and counter or wall (visual signal - point behind, where dog's nose should end up)
- Front - lay between the front of my feet and counter or wall (visual signal - point in front, where dog's nose should end up)
- Chill - put chin on my foot (visual signal - two taps of foot)
- Paws Up - put front paws on object that I point to
- Get Up - jump onto object (visual signal - patting object with palm)
- Get Dressed - put head through vest (visual signal - presentation of vest in front of her)
- Get Your Vest - retrieve vest and bring to my hand (visual signal - point toward vest)
- Get Your Leash - retrieve leash and bring to my hand (visual signal - point toward leash)
- That's Trash - pick up item and put in trash can (visual signal - point towards item, then point toward trash)
- May I have a yogurt? - open fridge, take yogurt, bring yogurt to me (visual signal - point toward fridge)
- Get The Meter - retrieve meter and bring to my hand
- Hold - hold bringsel on collar
- Bring It - bring object
- Shut The Fridge - close the door to the fridge (visual signal - point toward fridge)
- Shut It - close any door or cabinet (visual signal - point to object)
- Get In - get in car
- Place - lay on place blanket for a long period of time (visual signal - point to place)
- Wait - pause, typically at a curb or doorway while heeling
- Break - release word (used for stays, when allowed to relieve herself, when allowed to play)
- Off - jump off object (visual signal - point toward ground)
- Drop - drop item or food in mouth (visual signal - opening of hand)
- All Better - blood sugar is taken care of, puppy party is ending, stop alerting. (visual signal -flat hand moving from left to right in front of her face)
- Powder Your Nose - relieve herself, regardless of location - on grass, mulch, concrete, grate.